What to Do When Confronted By An Immigration Officer
You have basic rights under the U.S. Constitution. Be familiar with your rights and comfortable asserting them so that your rights can be protected.
At home: you do not need to open the door unless the officer provides you with a court warrant. Do not open the door. Ask to see a signed warrant from a judge. Look at the warrant carefully to make sure it is signed by a judge. Call an attorney. You do not have to let ICE into your home without a signed warrant from a judge.
Outside of your home: Stay calm. Do not run or resist arrest. Keep your hands where the officer can see them. Do not get upset or agitated. Ask if you are under arrest or free to leave. If you are free to leave, ask to leave. You have the right to remain silent. Say you want to remain silent. You have a right to an attorney. Ask to call a lawyer.
The only people who cannot ever be deported are U.S. citizens. People with immigration status can lose that status if they commit certain crimes, or violate their status. You do not have to answer questions, even simple ones about where you are from. Say you want to remain silent. Ask to call a lawyer.
Be prepared: Know your rights in case an officer asks you questions or comes to your home. Memorize phone numbers for your family members and your attorney or an attorney you trust.
Tips on Avoiding Scams
If you need legal advice on immigration matters, make sure the person helping you is authorized to give legal advice. Only an attorney or an accredited representative working for a Board of Immigration Appeal recognized organization can give you legal advice. Being a “notario público” does not authorize someone to provide you with any legal services. Please beware of anyone who offers to help you submit an application or a request for any of these actions before they are available. There is a lot of misinformation in the community; do not rely on rumors or false promises.
Everyone’s Rights During an Immigration (ICE) Raid​
You have the right to remain silent.
You can refuse to speak to an ICE agent. Do not answer any questions. Say that you want to remain silent until you speak with a lawyer.​
You have the right to speak to a lawyer and the right to make a phone call.